Geocentric Universe

Our planet, among other dimensions

Tuesday, November 01, 2005


On the topic of the last post, some people from the Rocky Mountain Institute heatedly defend biofuel production as "far more cost-effective and less energy-intensive than gasoline", at least with technologies that, while not commonly used anywhere, are "on the horizon". For the opposite view, see a paper by Berkeley petroleum engineer Tad Patzek, who argues that burning crop fractions is unsustainable almost by definition because it depletes topsoil, adds extensive thermodynamic discussion, and concludes "About 13% of the U.S. corn production is now diverted to produce ethanol. Hence ... the U.S. corn production should be reduced by at least 13% with significant benefits for taxpayers and the planet."

For an indubitably nifty renewable energy application, look at the German company SkySails, whose idea is to propel ships, at least partly, with giant kites a couple hundred meters above the ship (where the wind is stronger than at the surface). Sailing ships have a huge advantage now over the caravels of the age of exploration in the form of good weather forecasts that enable them to plot the route with the most favorable winds. (New Scientist article; via Peak Energy)


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