Geocentric Universe

Our planet, among other dimensions

Thursday, October 19, 2006


I noticed that, in his column in the SF Chronicle, Mark Morford decries the takeover of organic food by large companies, such as (horrors!) Wal-Mart This is overdone; the organic label merely denotes that artificial chemicals were not used, and has never necessarily meant that everything about the labeled food is wholesome. The increasing popularity of organic in the mass market is very good in that it provides a constituency to block the spread of genetically modified crops and reduces, however slightly, biocide spraying and the global health risk posed by dosing animals with hormones and antibiotics. Organic food typically remains fossil-fuel intensive, if likely somewhat less so than the average supermarket offering, but there are plenty of farmers' markets in the Bay area where suppliers can be found to meet one's favorite sustainability criteria, not to mention community gardens for the conscientious columnist to work in.

There was also an article about magnetic-induction based food heating, inexplicably not on their website - neat!


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